July 21, 2008

Indices: 2nd Quarter Returns

so how can I get you to buy this poem for 34.6% more than it’s worth

when the earth goes into anaphylactic shock from us

in 2005, 975, 622 dog jackets were sold in North America. I have no way of confirming this data. Fastening devices vary

it might just not be for you; let it go—

Boredom, n. (bôr'dəm, bōr'-) the malady of ennui, a fit of sulk; a dull time: "to drill", a persistent indus-trial or developmental annoyance; bourre padding, triviality, bourrer to stuff, to satiate; abhorrer "to shrink back from, have an aversion for, shudder at, abhor": the phonetosphere of bore, bore, bore, abhor, drill, boor, bore bore bore BORE

work doesn’t work

poetic value is a territory without totalities

where did that last line come from

There’s a hole in my poem dear liza dear liza there’s a hole in my poem dear liza a hole.

back then it was said, “as it is written”all the terror and salvation stamped into the inked word so even now we hear the breath beckon

I suppose you are expecting something like a poem here

note: 23 of the 112 lines of this poem are not “mine”

Close: 7.80 Change: -0.27 %Change: -3.35% Volume: 441,151 Open: 8.00 EPS:
-2.83 Shares Out: 142.6 M

I write a lot at the bus stop, before getting on

a piedi

The indices of me: to indicate use or position in an arrangement (see poetics); the index of the expression of values; a character used to direct attention to a note or paragraph —called also fist; derived from a series of observations and used as an indicator or measure; specifically the relation of one dimension of a thing (as an anatomical structure) to another dimension. When I speak to you, the index shifts.

noting that “beetle” is the exact perfect word for a beetle

the value in wondering at the nature of value

inquiring into the symbolic dildo I strap on every day

While no one will argue that 32 offsuit is somehow a "better" hand than 32 suited, what we can easily see is that people play the "better" hand worse -- and thus make the expectation of the better hand to be worse than the worse hand.

poetic value is a goose in love

“Every form of aesthetic must necessarily choose between what is worth preserving and what should be discarded, and what should not even be considered.”

This is an indication that workplace (so, a kind of feeling of belonging) was the mobilizing force behind the revolt: a combination of solidarities based on craft loyalties and the engagement of craft union leaders and unemployed workers in citywide institutions.

poetic value is “an organized evasion procedure”

poetic value finds us, it finds us, we wait, it comes to us, freely, freely—and there is no avoiding it, poetic value happens, you can receive it or look away. . .

how not to say, how not to mean, how not to say, how not to speak, how not to say, how not to stay, how not to say, how not to not

Words have the power to heal wounds. Out of the mysterious place where words first come to be "made flesh"—

I am a dual citizen, born in America, the son of draft dodgers but my citizenship is of the English language and it is an uneasy allegiance

noting that “beetle” might not be the perfect word for a non-English “beetle”

In general, chapbooks were inexpensive publications designed for the poorer literate classes.

by dual I mean not at all

the design process of Brazillian ‘favelas’

a form of social death

so what, $32 for the babysitter, $10 for gas, $55 for dinner, $40 for the massage, market price for weed, $8 for snacks and iced coffee on the way home

Just weeks after Aguas del Tunari, a private company owned by London-based multinational International Water Ltd., took over the city’s water system.

poetic value has nothing to do with “yields”

If value was something it might be uncertain: market price equivalent of human need, the fluctuating idea thought of as being more or less desirable, useful, estimable, important, etc.; worth or, I suppose, intrinsic worth but also principles, standards. In a word, meaning, art, relative lightness or darkness, the relative duration of a note, proportioned effect, this poem’s rhythms, etc.; a symbol stands so we can be strong, stronger.

under written by an under man

this particular line written on a day when nothing particular comes to mind, stands

There are several factors contributing to the improved economy in Prince George. While the mountain pine beetle has devastated forests in Northern B.C., it has meant a significant increase in the amount of timber harvesting activity and the creation of new secondary manufacturing opportunities utilizing the denim pine.

Two-year yields closing down 9.9 bps to 2.43%, five-year yields down 7.9 bps to 3.14%, 10-year yields down 6.9 bps to 3.84% and 30-year yields down 5.3 bps to 4.57%.

the index would have three variables: one you, two an imaginary history, three chance, and the control would be form

it still stands

the art formerly know as form

This process is performed in large vessels known as pulpers where the raw materials are diluted with up to 100 times their weight of water and then subjected to violent mechanical action using steel rotor blades. The resulting slurry (known as papermaking stock) is then passed to holding tanks.

poetic value has nothing to do with “success”

Canfor's shutdown of its first mill last summer is now permanent and components of the mill have already been dismantled and sent to another company mill in Fort St. John. A Canfor spokesman said the indefinite closure gives the company the flexibility to reassess the mill's status if there is a prolonged improvement in market conditions. The consensus among forest industry analysts, however, is the lumber market will depend on the increased sales of local books of poetry.

Once again, at a poetry reading, we find that we have both an opposition and a unity. We have an opposition because the relative use value form and the equivalent exchange form are exactly the opposite of each other and form two opposed, contradictory poles. We have unity because each pole is a partial expression of the simple form of exchange-value as a whole. Together they are "mutually dependent and inseparable" but, ultimately, paradoxical.

once once was a war word

gives the company the flexibility. took over the city’s water system

poetry is not a taking up of arms; poetry is next to nothing; I would die of poetry

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