May 17, 2006

The Psychiatrist Reconsiders Poem’s Case

The file closes; there is much
to discuss and the session is near done.
Outside, a small dog, perhaps a poodle or
bichon frise, is barking in a continuous staccato.
A styrofoam coffee cup squeaks.

What is it you really desire?

There is a history to consider here. A change
in the room; has the heating come on? Legs
repositioned. There is to be a debate on the nature
of avoidance. The psychiatrist reads
a note at the top of his page:
“Read as if for the first time.” A candle
lights itself. Street noise enters the room and
the session is near done.


hardyf said...

like that

Anonymous said...

This conveys a reflective atmosphere. I especially like the line -
There is to be a debate on the nature of avoidance.

This speaks volumes.